Team: Assembled Shells: Polished Pizza: Ordered… Meet the cast of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:...
The Adventures of Asterix. A comic books series about a village of warriors adventuring...
Can you think of any live-action movies with an animated sequence? We’ve come up...
Fear not! We’re here to save your miserable year with a timely reminder of...
Robots. So often they go wrong in films, and turn into the villain of...
There are many films that we have shared as an audience but go on...
Despite what you might think Amy Adams, as great an actress as she is,...
Tom Cruise stars in the global phenomenon TOP GUN: MAVERICK! The #1 film of...
Tom Hardy is a chap plenty find easy on the eye. But have you...
“Hello podcats!” screams Dr Buckles. Now this is a familiar greeting for anyone who...