OKPM The Rewilding EP

Olly Knights (Turin Brakes) & Keyboardist Philip Marten Reunite to Form OKPM

New release The Rewilding EP is their first offering of electronic folk alchemy…

“It started off as a follow up to my solo album from a few years before – If Not Now, When. I was hugely inspired by listening to Joni Mitchell’s Hejira album and how those songs unfold with an unhurried and personal poetry.

One day, I left London to visit old friend and one-time Turin Brakes keyboardist, Philip Marten (all-round music production, vinyl-collecting renaissance man) and we got talking about our mutual love of all things “edgeland”. Those places in between, often in the countryside or edges of towns where things go to die and nature reclaims them. We both found a lot of peace and inspiration walking around those places and how the early songs here made us feel like this could be a musical version of those non-place oddities.

I left Phil with what I had, a handful of songs, and he worked with them almost like archival recordings, pulling out parts, reworking & restructuring. From there a steady back-and-forth began.”


“During the making of this EP, Philip moved from the remote, rural idylls of the Sussex countryside to the urban sprawl of Los Angeles. The change of scenery from green trees & fields to perpetual sunshine & traffic took the production in a slightly different direction, pulling the songs deeper into an electronic landscape. The final results feel like beautiful old artefacts, dug up, brought into the light and repurposed. In many ways highly personal but, reframed and opened up by Phil’s production and melodic additions.”

Olly Knights – February, 2020


1. Under My Arms
2. Ain’t Love A Fool
3. Animals Of England
4. The Rewilding


Read our extensive interview with Turin Brakes’ Olly Knights right here on TheJournalix.com: OLLY KNIGHTS: THE INTERVIEW where he tells us all about:

  • An ever-lasting love for Joni Mitchell
  • How Turin Brakes formed
  • Away from Turin Brakes, Olly Knights released solo album If Not Now, When
  • Experiences playing Manchester