If like us you love music, football and design then you’ll love Bands F.C. and quite frankly – where have you been?! The concept is simple: take a legendary band and using a classic football club crest, create something new and very cool. From Joy Division to Blossoms, the designs have not only made an impact with fans but the bands themselves have been involved. Tim Burgess, for one, is a big fan and with charity events and kit designs (yes, they now do kit designs), we took the opportunity to interview one of the men behind it all, Mark Liptrott:
J: Is Bands F.C. your brainchild?
Mark Liptrott: Bands F.C. has been created by 2 of us, myself and Nick Fraser.
J: It’s growing fast, it must be great when you get approval from the bands?
Mark Liptrott: Yeah it is amazing, loads of bands and clubs have been very supportive. I was with Dave and Boyan from The Zutons last night with their new band Silent K, they loved Bands F.C. we’ve had so much support.
J: That’s interesting, at what point does a band qualify for a design?
Mark Liptrott: No criteria. It’s all about the idea. If a team crest sparks any link to a band then we will do it. We’ve done new bands as well as well known bands and can hopefully introduce people around the world to them.
J: Does that extend to festivals too? We love the Periodic table you did for Bluedot!
Mark Liptrott: Yes. It’s all about the idea rather than trying to crowbar some connection. Science + Music = Bluedot. It works.
J: The charitable aspect of it all is really something to be admired. That’s quite a bold thing to do and underlines how this is more of a hobby than a money-making exercise for you both.
Mark Liptrott: This started out as a bit of fun, things snowballed and we started getting press for it, people loved it and we couldn’t stop. Making money wasn’t our incentive. But being able to work with bands we love who nominate charities and we turn their design into a limited edition enamel badge is pretty special. The fans are happy getting something cool and collectable and charities benefit. Working with Pulp to realise theirs as a shirt and raise over £30k for Sheffield Children’s hospital is mind-blowing. We went down to the hospital and met Nick Banks from Pulp there, the staff gave us a look around and showed us where the money will be going, helping make a better space.
J: All for a very good cause. Can we ask about who has been the most collaborative with the designs? Or if any bands have disapproved?
Mark Liptrott: It’s all just been really positive. We just do the designs and show the bands and clubs, all good so far.
J: Your studio is based in Stockport, right?
Mark Liptrott: I’m based on Stockport and Nick is based is Sale. Bands F.C. is the 2 of us really. We’ve brought a few other designers in. Matt Tams has been doing some ace concept kits. Rich Bayley has done some ace designs too for us.
J: Stanley Chow was involved at some point too, am I right?
Mark Liptrott: Yeah early on Stan saw what we were doing and sent us some great ideas and we went wow. Loved his work for years.
J: Finally, who are your favourite bands?
Mark Liptrott: My fave bands are Echo and the Bunnymen, Charlatans, Coral, loads of stuff. In fact the Bunnymen design was the first one done.
Here’s the official Spotify Bands F.C playlist:
Get over the website too, plenty of merch you’ll no doubt love: