As the adventure of Empire of the Ants continues to captivate players worldwide, Microids...
Video Games
TRANSFORMERS: GALACTIC TRIALS is a unique racing action game with roguelite elements, features a...
Returning to our great city from 9th – 12th October: BEYOND THE MUSIC 2024,...
Cook For Love is a cosy cooking game where you’ll be in the shoes...
You’ve probably already seen his work without knowing who was behind the camera. Most...
One of the highlights of MCM Manchester this year was meeting the wonderfully talented...
Good news everybody! 8-Bit Legit have given Kudzu a full release for the Nintendo...
We here at The Journalix are big fans of Turin Brakes. We’re not going...
As part of our retrogaming interests nothing keeps us better informed (and that Nintendo...
This time it’s set to be bigger than before and in the heart of...