The story of Sherlock Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, has seen countless...
The bestselling children’s author David Walliams and the award-winning Birmingham Stage Company have teamed...
What better way to celebrate Christmas than with a trip to the Christmas markets...
Bring the whole family to enjoy this festive adventure as Horrible Histories presents the...
A vibrant, musical re-imagining of The Snow Queen heads to Sale this festive season...
WELCOMING AUDIENCES AND ARTISTS BACK HOME SOON Manchester’s HOME have announced that they are...
Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise are coming to the Waterside Arts Centre! Starring Ian...
Christmas is nearly here folks! And there are plenty of festive theatre shows for...
HOME Manchester will host a weekend of special events for all ages from Friday...
We were lucky enough to be invited along to the press night for Future...