HC Characters

Bring the whole family to enjoy this festive adventure as Horrible Histories presents the terrific tale of Christmas. It’s a celebration in the most wonderful, funny and moving way you’ll ever see!

‘A flash, bang, wallop of a production!’ – British Theatre Guide

‘That rare gem of a family show that genuinely appeals to all ages from four years old
upwards. If you think you know about Christmas, this show will make you think again!’ – Manchester Theatre Awards


  1. William the Conqueror was crowned on Christmas Day but when the guards
    outside heard a huge cheer they thought a rebellion had started and burnt all the
    houses in the area.
  2. In Greenland they eat a Christmas delicacy called Kiviak which is the body of a
    seal filled with hundreds of small birds left to ferment for three months.
  3. In 1644 the Puritans banned Christmas, mince pies and going to church (unless
    it was a Sunday) and ordered all shops to stay open.
  4. In a town in Sweden the people celebrate Christmas by burning down a giant figure of a goat.
  5. The reason that carol singers knock on your door and pester you is because Medieval priests threw them out of the church, so ever since they sing outside houses instead.
  6. An old English custom was to beat children on 28 December to remind them of Herod’s cruelty in massacring all the babies in Bethlehem.
  7. Nativity scenes in Catalonia feature a character doing a poo.
  8. The Good King Wenceslas celebrated in the carol was a duke not a king and was chopped into pieces by his mother and brother.
  9. The first ever bomb to land on British soil was dropped by a German airship at Christmas 1914.
  10. Brussels sprouts are first mentioned in books in 1587 and children have had to suffer them at Christmas ever since.


11th December Birmingham Symphony Hall, 11.30am & 2.30pm

Tickets from £14.50-£33.50


20th December Manchester The Bridgewater Hall, 11.30am & 2.30pm

Tickets from £20-£33.50


27-30 th December London Barbican Hall, 2pm

Tickets from £16.50-£30.00
