Brad Pitt (born 18 Dec 1963) is a fine actor, with particularly good taste when it comes to movie projects; 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Inglorious Basterds, The Departed, 12 Years a Slave, we could go on. But what of his taste for food? He has a curious case of eating whenever he’s on the big screen:
We can’t take credit for this but it’s good stuff, I knew the character of Rusty (Ocean’s Eleven) was written to be eating often by way of showing that he was on the go all the time and with little time to stop to eat, but it seems there’s a trend that goes way back.
Not to mention in World War Z the whole film is about avoiding being eaten and in Interview with the Vampire his character just wants to bite into a tasty human neck. He had an eating problem in his uncredited cameo in Friends and also appeared in a Pringles advert when was younger. There’s plenty of drinking that goes on with Pitt too but we’ll leave it there for now…