Since hitting the 10k mark for followers on Twitter we decided to show off a bit because believe it or not we have some rather cool famous followers included in that. The kind with a blue tick next to their name. It makes for a not too shabby list and the little fanboy inside me wants to shout from the rooftop about each and every one of these wonderfully talented, rather beautiful, people. I mean, they must be fucking geniuses – am I right? So we followed them back and to be quite frank, you should be following them too:
Yes, that band, JOY DIVISION. We’re not exactly sure how this happened or why or for how long it will last but it did and here’s proof: No words required. Head to Google if you don’t know why.
• Doves
You can read all about our love for Doves here where we are backing the campaign to get them to reform. But the OFFICIAL Twitter feed for the band have been following us long before that. Some of Manchester’s finest and they’ve been carrying on lovely since going their seperate ways too…
Otherwise known as the twins from Doves, despite what we say above we’re very much looking forward to the follow up to 2015’s eponymous debut album. A talented duo hailing from our home town Manchester and prolific when it comes to stellar emotive music, with a beat.
Again, the beauty of Twitter has seen us recognise the wonderfully talented music producer Tony Hoffer. Being a student in the early 2000’s introduced me to a lot of music this man has been directly involved with producing or mixing: Beck, Turin Brakes, Supergrass to name but a few. Not a household name yet, but the Grammys certainly like him! And he even returned the love when we dedicated a #playlist to him.
Which leads us nicely onto Olly Knights, the lead singer of Turin Brakes. A band never to really penetrate the charts but boy do they know how to play! I have no doubt The Optimist LP (2000) sits high up on many people’s all-time favourite albums lists but we implore you to go beyond that and discover more as they continue to tour tirelessly, creating beautiful music along the way. For the record, he’s retweeted us a number of times so he’s very much on board with what we do here and we like that a lot.
Quite simply, we included their song ‘Teeth’ in a #playlist inspired by Roald Dahl books on #RoaldDahlDay. In this case, it was for (can you guess?)… The Enormous Crocodile (1978). Maybe they saw our Twitter feed and thought “wow they’re cool and we endorse everything that they do”, or maybe they accidentally clicked “Follow” when seeing who the hell had tagged them in a post. Who knows? But 1.3M followers ain’t bad going…
• The Open
Again this won’t make great waves but The Open were a band who Alix was made aware of back in the days when NME reviews meant something and their debut album commanded a 9/10 rating with comparisons to Doves (see above). He subsequently purchased the album and hated it, missing out on the promotional tour. Then he listened again in a sunny climate and although he was late to the party to this day lauds it as a hidden gem – after 2003’s followup failed to sell the band split and Alix never got to see them play live (sad face). But some tweets later tracked down lead singer Steve Bayley and he’s still making epic tunes.
• Dave McCabe
Lead singer of Liverpool band The Zutons, most famous for penning standout hit ‘Valerie’
• Abbey Clancy
Sometimes known as a WAG but better known for her modelling skills and a bloody good ear for music. Forever tied to Britain’s Next Top Model, she can dance (although
not as much of a natural as her husband) plus she’s in with the in-crowd – James Corden. God knows why she follows us but long may it continue!
• Mark Tatulli
This website is all about saying “Hey, we found something brilliant and think you’d like it too!” And when it comes to Mark Tatulli and his comic strip Lio it is
also the perfect example of what is good about social media. Not long after kicking off our Twitter feed here at The Journalix towers we introduced a #SaturdayStrip
feature to share some of our favourite strips with the world. After tweeting Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes excessively we went searching for new comics – but all the
while not willing to drop the level of quality we Mark Tatulli’s Lio. In truth we
• Dick King Smith
• Andy Capp
Time travel is a wonderful thing – given the chance what would you change? And what impact would it make on where we’re at now? It isn’t good to have many regrets in
your life but I don’t agree that things happen for a reason. Fate is horse shit. But there are reasons that contribute to things happening, and that’s a very different thing.
We are aware that comedy is very subjective but for what it is worth times were different and the humour was in highlighting his flaws. He would often get his comeuppence
and in no way as a reader were we supposed to sympathasise with him. It was funny, and we here like funny.
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